Bonnie Stern, award-winning cookbook author, columnist, television host and Anna Rupert, cookbook author, speech-language pathologist, and Bonnie Stern’s daughter and sous-chef
Class Type: Combination Hands-On and Demonstration Class
Price: Minumum $250 donation - all proceeds go to The Women’s Cardiovascular Health Initiative (WCHI) at the Libin Cardiovascular Institute
Availability: Available
Class Description:
We are thrilled to host Bonnie Stern and Anna Rupert in our cooking school for this fundraising event!
Bonnie and Anna are fabulous cooks and teachers, and they are going to guide you through a fabulous menu of their favourites from the pages of their cookbook, Don’t Worry, Just Cook. Join this dynamic mother-daughter duo for an engaging cooking class as they share stories, tips, and techniques on how to keep things stress-free in the kitchen.
Space is limited. Call 403-265-6066 to register, and learn how to balance healthy eating with great taste!
Creamy Hummus with Tahini, Smoked Paprika, and Herbs
Elizabeth’s Cherry Tomato Tartes Tatin
Jeweled Roasted Salmon with Herbs
Janna’s Green Rice
Almond Cake with Caramelized Pears
Menus are subject to change.
All proceeds from this event will go to The Women’s Cardiovascular Health Initiative (WCHI), at the Libin Cardiovascular Institute. The Women’s Cardiovascular Health Initiative (WCHI), at the Libin Cardiovascular Institute, is focusing on transforming cardiovascular health and the health system by addressing knowledge and care delivery gaps through a comprehensive approach to cardiovascular health for women across the life cycle. They aim to be a globally recognized centre of excellence in women’s cardiovascular health care delivery, research, education, and knowledge translation, and to save women’s lives through the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease.